Ikentua Refe chewed on these ideas of That which is Beyond Mind, but, to her, the NonMind can be Adinkra. Adinkra, became, for her, a magnet that pulled together all the contents of her own mind into particular configurations. If, Beyond the Mind, moves That which the mind cannot perceive, perhaps It can choose to irrupt into mind through forms which it projects from Itself, thereby rendering aspects of its Indivisible Self apprehensible by mind. These forms may be chosen by mind and offered to It as shapes which It may energise into life. The forms are thereby inseminated through energies that gather fuel not simply from That whose abode is unknown, but from the very mind that wishes to explore the Absolute. It is the conjunction, at a point undetermined and unpredictable, where the human mind intersects with The Sound that does not impinge on the ears, that the forms thereby become both material and nonmaterial, both within the cosmos and outside it, thereby enabling the person contemplating them to walk into That which heretofore was as invisible as a dream undreamed
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